
through authentic EXPERIENCES

Experiential Learning

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Experiential Education

At Lupine, experiential learning is the foundation of our academic program. It is through this model that our students master academic, social and personal skills that will prepare them for life. Students learn core subjects and critical life lessons through hands-on, thematic learning experiences. Lessons are taught both individually and within integrated Thematic studies and may take place in the classroom or out in the community during our weekly field trips. This approach makes learning meaningful and lasting and helps link curriculum to real life experiences.

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direct Experience

Lupine students engage in rich and meaningful experiences to deepen learning develop mastery of the academic disciplines. Our youngest students forage for acorns and apples during their Native American study; our middle grade students visit a farmers market and interview artisans before creating their own student market; our oldest students travel to Alaska to see the effects of climate change first hand. Direct and authentic personal lessons happen in our classrooms, in our local community, and on our overnight trips.

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After the experience, students spend significant time reflecting on the process and what they have learned. They discuss, journal, paint, and create in order to synthesize and share the important academic and personal lessons they have learned. The reflection on the experience is as important as the experience itself.

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After reflection, the important third step of application and transference happens. For example, our middle-grade students attended a musical about Jane Goodall and explored Portland State University’s Walk of the Heroines. Students used this experience to strengthen their character development while writing creative myths during their study of Ancient Greece. With the application, students are always building upon, practicing, and more deeply understanding what they have learned.

explore, learn, connect

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