
TEaching with intent

What do we believe?

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"The only source of knowledge is experience."

albert Einstein

Our Vision

It is our vision to be an exemplary model of an experiential and project-based education that engages students in relevant and meaningful learning.

Our Mission

Exploration through authentic experiences 

Empowerment and engagement with the world around us

Preparation for what is next

our core values



core value: one

We believe experiential education (including project-based learning, place-based learning, and outdoor education) is the optimal method for learning.


core value: two

We believe our school is a place to strengthen social-emotional character.



core value: three

We believe reflection on an experience is as important as the experience itself.


core value: four

We believe that academic achievement is optimized by using a thoughtful balance of in-depth interdisciplinary thematic experiences and individual units of study, with breaks between learning cycles.



core value: Five

We believe taking risks in a safe environment is an essential component of lifelong learning.


core value: six

We believe that by instilling a deep connection to the natural world and human communities, we will inspire living and learning through responsibility and sustainability.



core value: seven

We believe in the richness and power of an inclusive, transparent, and diverse community, where every voice matters.​


life long Learners

proven methods that teach essential skills

At Lupine School we explore and engage with the world around us through authentic experiences that prepare us for what is next. As the pace of change in our world continues to accelerate, our students need to be prepared for careers that have yet been invented. While we do not know the specific jobs that they will be doing, we do know what skills our students need to be successful in any field, and those skills are best acquired through an experiential learning model. 

The Lupine model of, experiential, student-driven, and project-based education is important because it empowers students. It inspires them to invent, question, adapt, create, and collaborate. It builds grit and helps develop resilience. Our students become inspired, self-motivated, and resourceful as they learn to drive their own learning. And the benefits of this will last throughout their lifetime.


What Research Says

education built on sound philosophy & Research

teaching for Meaning Learning: a review of research on inquiry-based and cooperative Learning

"Decades of research illustrate the benefits of inquiry-based and cooperative learning to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a rapidly changing world..."

The Power of Experiential Learning

"Why is this model of immersive, experiential, student-driven, and project-based education important, across grades, from preschool through college? Most of today's students will end up in jobs that haven't yet been invented. They can be empowered to learn to invent, question, adapt, create, and collaborate with gritty resilience. Students engaged through experience become inspired, self-motivated, and resourceful as they learn to drive their own learning..."

Helping students embrace deep Learning

"Teachers are more comfortable in the classroom when they can use multiple methods; students learn in depth when they are stretched beyond their comfort zones..."

explore, learn, connect

Come explore with us...

Lupine Experiential School is a registered 501(c)3 organization.


EIN: 84-3818935